A Content Management System (CMS) can help organizations strike the perfect balance between the technical and business sides. Optimizing a company’s Web site for search engines is a critical task for marketing professionals. The business owner also contributes what he knows best create quality content with speed and accuracy.
Here is how a CMS can enhance both the business and technical sides manage content:
Effortless Publishing By enabling even non-technical users to create and publish content effortlessly, a CMS can provide all the standard tools that marketers need for SEO. With a familiar, easy-to-understand interface, users can quickly publish and deep-link content without worrying about back-end inconsistencies. A CMS can save the Web developer significant amount of time and effort by simplifying the process.
Quick Posting and Updating of Content Key to an efficient content process is the work flow. An effective CMS usually has built-in hierarchies with powerful work flow features. Content can be posted by any author and verified by the respective authority before it gets posted. This reduces dependence on the Web developer and allows business owners to quickly update existing content or publish new content.
Demystifying Search Engine Techniques Many search engine terms, such as meta tags, anchor text, keyword density and more, can be unfamiliar to non-technical users. With limited understanding of these essentials, the generated content can be far from optimal. A good CMS can demystify SEO techniques, and give business owners the power to fully make their Web sites search engine friendly.
Navigation is Everything Just as human beings like being given directions, search engine spiders too are fond of Web sites that are structured well, and make finding content an easy task. The more web pages search engine spiders find, the greater are the chances of the Web site being ranked higher.
CMS enables organizations to maintain World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) compliance for enabling a good structure for their Web sites. The W3C provides the guidelines by which Web sites and Web pages should be structured and created. It also ensures that proper use of standards which in turn, helps search engines interpret content easily. Further, a CMS helps create a comprehensive site map which ensures that search engines can follow and index each link.
‘Strategic Goals’, your content creators need:A tool or set of tools that allows them to create, manage, publish, reuse and retire content on the Web site and all other online customer touch points – such as landing pages, micro sites, mobile content and syndicated content.
The flexibility to do all of this, including changes to design and templates, both for business users in non-technical environments as well as more technical developers.
A way to streamline work flows and set up approval processes so that all content goes through the appropriate channels before appearing in front of a customer.
The freedom to quickly adapt, change or re-purpose content without worrying about creating brand inconsistencies, design gaffes and other site problems.
Simple ways to ensure that content is search engine-friendly; making keyword inclusions, Meta tagging, search friendly links and title pages easy to work with.
A way to integrate Web analytics with the content tools, so content creators and marketers can continuously refine campaigns based on customer behavior. With the data from analytics, they can also ensure that your customers are easily getting relevant and need-specific content.
With an optimized Web presence, you are likely to see much more traffic – to all your online touch points. The combination of high-value content and an effective CMS means a larger number of quality leads can be generated, which typically means more conversions and more revenue.
Conclusion: Technology, no matter how advanced, only provides tools, techniques and approaches to achieving a goal. Web developer still needs to focus on how they can work together with the campaign managers to analyze Web trends and build a more streamlined and high-performance Web site. high degree of sensitivity to customer needs and our own competencies in responding to those needs both in terms of our products and in terms of our communication. Once we’ve got the core sorted, working with a cutting-edge, easy-to-use technology solution just makes for a winning combination.
A1 Technology is a full service off shore outsourcing firm serving clients throughout the world. We help you harness the power and potential of CMS to attract and engage visitors, communicate your message and generate leads.
A1 Technology is your one stop solution, combining our award winning graphic and website design, with our industry leading content management system to provide the ease of use and best service you expect and deserve.