Today, life of a man has changed and facebook is gaining popularity day by day. Facebook has become most popular social networking site. Few years back when we meet our any old friend we just share cell numbers and but now the trend has changed we just want facebook account of our friend.So, facebook is extending day by day because it attracts many users towards its side as it has lovely games,application for making life interesting.
How facebook effects business:- As i have already stated that facebook has maximum number of users as everyone has facebook account. So, users operate it all the time. The idea behind using Facebook as a venue for doing business is building a user base in the form of a community who respond to you as a person or to your product. If you just turn your page into one big advertisement, you are not going to get much in the way of a response. You need to educate people about the product without coming across as a hard sell.
You want to create the impression that you are here for socializing, not business. People will come to trust you and be more likely to buy your product or service if you can do this.
Facebook Application Development has built in tools which can be used to build your business. These include:
- Social Ads
- Pages
- Beacon
- Insights
- Platform
- Polls
These tools can help you to build awareness of your brand through Facebook and bring in potential clients. Customise facebppk application with A-1 Technology as it has a vast experience in developing facebook applications recently our facebook application developers has developed fashionista application which is running successfully on facebook and now we are developing its new version.So, if you really want to develop facebook application feel free to contact us.
A-1Technology is an Offshore Software Outsourcing, Offshore Software Development Outsourcing Company in New York NY, A1technology create customized Software and web applications such as online retail webstore,application development outsourcing, B2B Ecommerce, Portal sites, Online Marketing, e-Finance and e-Business etc.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Facebook Effects Business?
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
How To Build a Sizzling Website?
Expanding your use of video, adapting to the growing use of smartphones and using your website to become an expert in your field are just some of the tasks you’ll need to tackle this year if you want to keep on top of the competition online. Think your website is ready for 2011? Think again. Just as you’ve mastered the latest web trends, suddenly major changes in SEO, web design and eCommerce appear from nowhere - and your business had better be prepared.
Here are the big web trends you need to address in 2011.
Add Something New: Physical retailers practically fall over each other trying to stand out among the crowd, offering extras like discounts, gift-wrapping and other promotions. “The more creative you can be, the better. I know of a clothing company that puts in handwritten notes into all of their products, thanking the customers. That’s a great example of what you can do when you’re a small retailer.”This is the type of stuff you can do when you’re a small company, and you have the chance to do it. Make yourself stand out and keep those customers coming back.
Make it Pretty: One of the biggest problems a new online shopper may have with the digital process is that they can’t touch and feel the product they’re buying. In order to eliminate that fear, you need to make the experience as visual as possible for them.
Content, Become an expert: Your website shouldn’t just be a place for customers to grab a phone number or send you an email. These experts say in order to distinguish yourself from the crowd, you need to be setting up yourself as an expert in the field – and the perfect way to do this is through a blog.“Plenty of businesses and simply people in general are either adding a blog to their site, or using a blog to communicate with their audience. And while blogs are not new, they are on the increase.”
Connect Your Customers: Social media is nothing new and we all recognize that businesses without Facebook and Twitter pages risk being left behind. But now comes the next step – connecting all your social media links together and plugging them whenever possible. All of your pages need to link to social mediate sites, and vice versa.“Interconnection with social media is the big thing now, you really need to be looking at having your Facebook page, Twitter and other sites all linked together. You need to make these sites are not just the place users go to buy something, but be sure they can get to other places as well.”
Keep it Social (SEO): Talk to any SEO webmaster and they’ll usually say that creating plenty of links is a great way to get your site noticed in Google. The more links, or “doorways”, into your site, the more opportunities people have to visit it.“This occurred in 2010 and there’s going to be much, much more of it in 2011. The social world is bigger, and it’s something that Google wants to do well. Now is the time to do social, and do social well.”
Don’t forget Google: Sometimes improving your website means going back to basics. “The big thing businesses need to be looking at is using Google Webmaster Tools to get analytical data. Many use just analytics, but they don’t use webmaster tools to find out what Google is doing with their site.”
For more information do contact A-1 Technology as they are expert in buliding attractive and strong websites.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Tips To Build Website.
Building your own Web site is becoming easier and cheaper. Software gets more sophisticated and provides so much help that virtually anyone can build a website.Knowing how to build a website and develop information on the Web might be a business necessity or a job skill allowing you to potentially connect with millions of people.
You'll find a lot of tips, examples, links to useful services and resources, which teach you how to build a website as easily as possible...
Start Creating a Website from Planning its Content: Planning your Site Content is the initial phase of building a successful high-potential website. Discover the optimal niche for your website, find correct keywords and choose the most profitable website concept for you, then make your concept ever more profitable by analyzing and using the competition. Build website structure that is optimal from the point of view of both human visitors and search engine spiders.
Search Engine Optimization: Search engine optimization of your site content. How to build a website with all the pages acting like highly ranked doorways. General rules of writing the body copy and meta tags of your pages to achieve high ranking in all the search engines. How to instruct Web crawlers what to do when they visit your site.
Web Design: How to build a website that doesn't look like it was designed by a novice. Tips on Web page design. The basics of Web page backgrounds, useful tricks, examples. Using fonts on your Web pages. The methods of website navigation.
HTML Codes: The most powerful and flexible tools for building high-quality Web pages. The basics of HTML, short descriptions and examples of HTML tags. HTML validators for making your Web pages faultless and standards-compliant.
Web Graphics: The best graphics tools, usable by the beginner, but packed with plenty of higher-end features for the expert. Main Web graphics formats. Tips and techniques for creating optimized images for your pages. Creating banners from scratch or by using free banner generators.
Web Hosting: Features and details you should know about to choose the most reliable and cheap website hosting. How much does "free" Web hosting cost you? A low-cost solution for hosting multiple websites. Using FTP software for uploading files to your Web host.
Website Builders: Online tools for creating free websites and profitable Web businesses. Comparison and reviews of the most popular website builders. How to build a website for free even if you know nothing about HTML, FTP and the like.
Domain Names: Selecting a domain name is perhaps the most important step in the entire process of website building. Tips for choosing domain names, useful links and services. Details and tips on how to register domain names.
Contact A-1 Technology for Software Outsourcing and Mobile Application Development.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Be a part of the facebook marketing revolution.
While my winter break was mostly dedicated to spending time with family, I tried to sneak in some social time for myself by occasionally going on Facebook.The site is like the best friend we never had. We hear about everything from inside scoops on people to the most happening social events in town; it is the ultimate means of socialization and communication. So just to see what my friends on Facebook were up to during the break.
Facebook is the most popular social network — millions of people from all around the world use it almost everyday. Every means of socialization and communication is available on this website within a couple of clicks. The founders of this famous social network have understood human curiosity so well that they know how to lure all kinds of customers to the site with different types of attractions.
Give your Business a new shape:
Thinking about giving a new face to your business or identity through the worlds most popular social networking site, that will do wonders for you? You are at the right place. Here at A-1 Technology, we are ready to provide you a complete series of high quality facebook applications according to your requirement. Our creative team of professional facebook developers with their proven expertise can design any simple to complex facebook compatible application that will most definitely give you a 'facelift'.Our dedicated team of highly efficient graphic designers is ever ready to blend their creative expressions to produce a sleek, eye catching, design for your application.We understand your need to promote your product. Our proven and experienced team of marketing experts goes through in-depth study and come up with the best possible marketing solution that will definitely make your application hugely popular among the targeted demographics in no time. So be a part of the facebook marketing revolution. We always keep a close vigil at this rapidly evolving and transforming domain, so our maintenance and support service team will always keep you ahead of the others.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Think Android!! Think App!!! Think Globally!!!
Google is the mother of The Google Chrome and Android operating systems. Android is built for touch, while Chrome OS is meant to be used with a keyboard and pointer.The Google Chrome and Android operating systems are Google's two newly developed systems that they're working on. Google OS is mainly based on the Google Chrome browser that runs internet applications. It is designed to be a really simple, user-friendly computer operating system that can be used on numerous devices. Now you ask,, where will the platform actually fit in?
Some say that Google is on a diehard mission to take over the world. They already have a world-dominating search engine, PPC program, Android OS, Google maps with an eerily accurate portrayal of everyone's neighborhood, and much more! What other Google features can you think of off the top of your head?
What operating system will ultimately come out on top? Android or iOS? If Android can manage to tackle Apple and the touch screen tablet market, will it stop there? Knowing Google, probably not. Since 1998, Google has been effectively taking control of the web. Android started on phones and is now being used for tablets. Where will we find Android next?
In my opinion, I think we're going to find it just about everywhere. From the next generation of kitchen appliances to WiFi connected cars.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
J2ME And Mobile Platform Go Hand In Hand.
Java Micro Edition also known as Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition or J2M is the most popular & widely accepted platform for wireless phones from leading phones manufacturers.J2ME development has emerged as one of the most popular technologies. Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME) is aimed at small & memory constrained devices and standardize the use of Java technology in wireless devices. J2ME is the JAVA based Mobile Application Development platform where developers can access an object oriented programming language. This JAVA platform is designed for consumer devices and embedded systems. Be it mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), TV set-top boxes, and printers etc, Java Platform can provide developers a flexible environment for application running on these devices.
Advantages of J2ME Mobile application development:-A real advantage with J2ME development is that it enjoys widespread support across all platforms. The need of the hour to fulfill your requirements is to secure, reliable and professional services pertaining to J2ME application development. With the help of effective J2ME application development, you can reap the advantages of easy user interface, easy application navigational functionality, better networking capabilities and improved security.
Our proficient Java Mobile Application developers are always ready to assist our clients in various mobile applications, testing simulators, and porting to mobile devices. J2ME Applications have a specified quality standard that we ensure by a skilled team of Quality J2ME engineers that work together with the application development engineers.
A-1 Technology specialize in:
» J2ME Mobile application development.
» J2ME Wireless Applications.
» J2ME Web Applications.
» J2ME Mobile Payment Solution.
» J2ME Location Based Service.
» J2ME GPS Based Applications.
» J2ME application porting.
» Blackberry Application Development.
» Bluetooth Application for Mobile.
A-1 Technology believe in 3Ds -
Design: We believe in instinctive yet sensitive designs.
Development: We aspire to produce powerfully built applications.
Delivery: We ensure swift delivery for our client satisfaction.
If you are interested in developing any kind of J2ME application feel free to contact us.
Friday, January 14, 2011
HTML5 And Flash: Why It’s Not A War, And Why Flash Won’t Die.
This is a false scenario: HTML5 and Flash Programming are not meant to be fighting in the same ring, or to be fighting at all. Each has its proper place on the Web and in the graphic community.
Flash’s Place
Why would Flash Programming do so well in the mobile space compared to Web-based tools and frameworks? First of all, because Flash is a powerful development tool, beyond its graphic and animation capabilities. ActionScript 3 has brought serious improvements to the overall structure and functionality of applications, allowing developers to create powerful apps.
Secondly, Flash being used across multiple platforms brings a much higher probability of consistency and compatibility. Even if comprehensive Web standards were supported across all mobile devices, there is no guarantee that we wouldn’t run into the same cross-browser headaches on the variety of mobile browsers. If Flash were supported on all mobile devices, I could be reasonably certain that my Flash module would run smoothly on each one.
HTML5′s Place
HTML5′s place, on the other hand, is entirely on the Web. And this is an outstanding development. I remember switching from table-based designs to CSS, a liberating move that gave Web designers a freedom that only we could truly appreciate. Moving forward with standards-based browsers and rich functionality via CSS3 and HTML5 will take our industry to new heights and lead to a flourishing of gorgeous websites and functionality that we’ve never before witnessed.
The Web In Two Years
Where will the chips fall when the Web design industry reaches its next stage? I may be idealistic, but I would like to see the following:
* HTML5 and CSS3 as the new Web standard.
* All browsers being compatible and standards-based.
* Flash being used more limitedly as a tool for multimedia and gaming and interaction, both online and offline.
* Mobile platforms and mobile content development being the newest and fastest-growing subset of the industry.
* Sporting Flash capabilities for robust application development across all platforms.
* And offering HTML5 , CSS3 and complex JavaScript capabilities for mobile browsing.
Flash has been misused and overused for the past eight years, spreading its tentacles too far into the fabric of Web design. But rather than getting beaten out of the picture by these practical new Web frameworks, Flash will retreat to its proper place: those niche areas where it belongs and can truly excel. The first niche is multimedia and learning solutions for the corporate space. Only time will tell if Flash finds its second niche on mobile platforms.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Apple TV making it big with its unique features.
From long, TV has been criticized for converting viewers into 'couch-potatoes', but the new generation of TVs entering into the market have lots to offer to keep your feet tapping. The launch of Apple TV has been well received by many and it has clearly edged over Google TV, which was targeted for its not-so-user-friendly features. The unique thing about this gadget is its small size. It has been amazingly built to be 80 pct smaller than the previous generation and that too with an in-built power supply. Another impressive thing about t is its energy-saving ability. When not in use, it uses very less power-even lesser than a night light.
Apart from being small and sleek, this innovative device is also as quiet as a sleeping child. So, overall, Apple TV can fix itself anywhere and everywhere. Apple TV has got something for everyone. Whether you are a movie-lover, a net freak or a tech-savvy, one can't get bored of Apple TV. Apple TV developers have made sure to install it with an array of features, which will make you fall in love with it instantly.
Apple TV programming allows you to:-
1. Stream movies, TV shows, music, photos and more.
2. Rent thousands of HD movies, starting at the price of just $3.99 and also HD TV shows.
3. Stream of an enormous catalog of Netflix movies and serials, and also watch YouTube on big screen.
4. Control Apple TV using your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
5. Download the Remote app for free from the App Store.
A1 Technology, one of the most efficient Apple TV developers, aim at providing its customers with best of the both worlds. By hiring A1 Technology, you can be assured of getting a sincere and hard-working developer, which gives importance to your interest primarily. You can also avail services related to Apple TV application development. Apart from this, you would also be able to access round the clock technical support and never-ending maintenance.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Mobile development application offers endless opportunities versatile applications solutions.
Mobile Application Development is still in the journey of exploiting more technologically. The compact size of mobiles that makes them a handy and friendly component. Mobile application development support countless features that help us to enjoy communication along with enhanced facilities including internet supported with GPRS technology, advanced satellite navigation, live video conferencing, music facilities and so on. As part of mobile application development, it is now possible to watch TV and listen to your choice of music on mobiles anytime and anywhere.
Several platforms for mobile application development:
* iPhone Application Development.
* Android Application Development.
* Blackberry Application Development.
* Windows Mobile Application Development.
* iPad Application Development.
The demand of mobile application development is increasing because the sales volume of iPad, iPhone, Blackberry, Android, and Windows applications is growing exponentially.Today's trend and categories for the mobile application development are Business, Finance and Money, Games, News, Weather, Lifestyle, GPS navigation.
Join your hands with A-1 Technology for building any above kind of mobile applications:-
iPhone, Blackberry, Android are having different platforms. Application that has been developed to work on one platform usually does not work on other platform just because of incompatibility. Before developing any mobile application you need to think whether that is to be platform specific or universal. Our experts at A-1 Technology have efficiency to import one mobile application to other mobile platform too.
It’s a two-horse race, iPhone versus Android.
It’s important to remember that the iPhone is one, singular smartphone. When people say Android, they are referring to numerous phones from different manufacturers that employ Google Inc.’s Android operating system. So, this is a battle of one versus many, and the one continues to win. Also remember that an iPhone apps programming has all the functionality of the most advanced iPod, so an iPhone is also an iPod, an absolutely ubiquitous digital music device that’s a must-have for countless consumers.
How iPhone runs past BlackBerry and stays ahead of Android?
According to Nielsen just released smartphone operating system market share data for the month of November, and things are really heating up. 28.6% of smartphones in use by U.S. adults run Apple Inc.’s iPhone operating system, 26.1% use Research in Motion’s BlackBerry operating system and 25.8% run Google Inc.’s Android operating system.
The iPhone apps development has been trending up, but only a bit. Android, on the other hand, has been growing significantly, and it’s now within 2.8 percentage points of tying the Apple device. Here’s how I see things going in 2011. The Android programming, based on its stupendous growth curve, overtakes the iPhone. But at some point this year, Apple’s exclusive deal with AT&T ends and it begins offering the iPhone through Verizon. At that point, a massive number of consumers who hate AT&T but have drooled over the iPhone for years move to the iconic Apple device. And by the beginning of 2012 the iPhone takes the lead back from Android.
Best choice:-
Knowing that the iPhone and Android operating systems are the ones to beat is key to success with a mobile commerce endeavor. You want to be optimizing with these devices in mind. For the foreseeable future it’s all about the iPhone and Android. And what a prizefight this is going to be. When Verizon gets in the iPhone’s corner, I’ll stake my money on the iPhone. BlackBerry has been dropping like a stone. Unless they very soon create the greatest thing since sliced bread, write them off (sorry, BlackBerry). BlackBerry users are business users, anyway. They don’t do the same things iPhone and Android users do, like have fun—which would include shopping.
Friday, January 07, 2011
Will HTML5 replace Flash Programming?
We often think “Will HTML5 replace Flash Programming?” on the Web. The quick answer is no. However, there is a lot of nuance here and it’s helpful to make the distinction between two broad classes of content applications that are deployed in browsers.
First, there are what I would call Web Productivity Apps. These kinds of applications require responsive, cross-platform, desktop like and highly interactive experiences. They often require seamless integration with existing web content and data. For several years, the Flash Application development Platform was the best platform for creating these types of applications (per above). However, in the past several years, HTML+JavaScript (Ajax) and now HTML5 have created a highly compelling framework to build these applications, and for a large number of web productivity apps, the HTML5 approach will become the preferred model. The best examples are Google Apps,, and even Microsoft’s forthcoming Office Online. There are also a class of Web Productivity Apps where Flash Programming is the preferred runtime, especially those that involve working with and manipulating media such as images, audio and video. We, like many companies, are pragmatic and use both Flash and HTML as the technology needs require. Other examples of this include rich data visualization applications, where Flash has gained prominence inside of enterprises because of its rich data and visualization features.
The second broad class of applications are what I would call Rich Media Apps. These kinds of applications include largely consumer-facing, audience and media centric experiences. In particular, this includes online video, rich media advertising and marketing, and online games (casual games). All of these kinds of applications are highly focused on having a great and immersive experience that just works, and the creators of these apps are very focused on audience reach — anything that impedes 100% consumer acceptance is a significant concern. Here, Flash is dominant. The unique runtime characteristics of Flash, combined with its incredible reach, has led these types of apps to become highly dependent on Flash, and massive amounts of the broadband economy are dependent on it. It seems unlikely that HTML5 would be at all positioned to replace Flash for these categories, though it is clearly worth watching how consistent rich media runtimes find their way into the HTML5+ standard. Right now, it is a non starter.
The Handheld Disruption:-
In the case of hand-held platforms, however, it seems quite apparent that it is not a zero-sum game. Three runtime platforms will gain adoption and often even inter-mingle — HTML 5 content and apps, Native Apps (that may contain Flash and HTML content), and HTML5 apps that contain and leverage Flash Player. There is a rich pallet of capabilities emerging, and each developer will need to consider what will be appropriate for their specific audience or application.
Thursday, January 06, 2011
2O10 and A-1 Technology
A-1 Technology is a well established offshore software outsourcing company head-quartered in New York City. Our other locations include Florida (FL), Los Angeles (LA), New Jersey (NJ), Toronto (Canada), Stuttgart (Germany), Singapore, and India. We provide offshore software development and maintenance services ("offsourcing") for companies ranging from the Global 2000 to promising start-ups Combining proven expertise in technology, and domain expertise, A-1 Technology delivers a range of outsourcing services that includes Custom Application Development/ Software Development Outsourcing, Offshore website development, Web Application Development, Mobile Application Development and Application integration. A-1 Technology has very strong expertise in DOT NET Programming and Linux Programming.The 2O10 year have been a lucky year for A-1 Technology as this company had achieved a great success which can be counted by reading following factors:-
Mobile Applications Development- A-1 Technology provides a variety of solutions for different mobile platforms such as iphone,Blackberry,Android,and Windows Mobile programming.Mobile developers at A-1 Technology had develop tremendous of new phone games application such as iSpy "The Game" Lite ,FleetWide Locator App. and many more on the list.
Web Application Development:- In 2010 A-1 Technology had include many new web solutions like Facebook application development, Google TV, Apple TV, HTML5, Chrome application development services.
Reasons Behind Success of A-1 Technology
A-1 Technology is the hub of cheap and skilled software professionals, which are available in abundance which helps A-1 Technology company to develop cost-effective business solutions for their clients. As a result,A-1 Technology can place their products and services in the global market in the most competitive rate. This is the reason why it has been a favorite destination for outsourcing as well.Its business strategy can be well understood by following diagram:-

Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Kill Your Boredom With iSpy "The Game" Lite
The new lovely iphone application known as iSpy "The Game" Lite is available in iphone apps store. Odds are that you have grown up playing it. Rediscover this timeless game of finding the hidden images with your little ones ! A classic for all ages.iSpy "The Game" is fun, irresistible, captivating, and most of all easy to play. Each scene has five hidden images for the child to locate. The quicker the images are located, the higher the score.Bright and inviting scenes with lovable characters and charming images for your child to discover. They will be whisked away under the sea, invited to explore a forest full of creatures, and much, much more! Encouraging words, funny sounds, and applause motivate your child to continue on to the next level and try again.
Features of iSpy "The Game" Lite:-
Puzzles:- Several fun and entertaining illustrations, where the user will have to search for hidden objects. Complete one to unlock the next. Once they have completed a level, it is unlocked and can be played at any time.
Objects:- Every level has 5 unique objects to keep your child searching.
Sounds:- Whether it be oohs and aahs, or a catchy little tune, children of all ages will definitely be amused listening to the sound effects of this game. Of course, you can mute the sound effects all together for those times where you want peace and quiet.
What's New In Version
- Christmas video added and bug fixes.
- Currently over 55 photos in total.
- Up to four people can play at together - the same time – on the same iPhone.>
- During play, you can correct the last point, pause the game, or skip to a new image.
- Quick and easy to adjust settings, so you can play in a variety of ways.
- Enter your own name to make the game experience friendlier.
- Adjust options such as game length and how long each image is shown for.
- Music and sounds enrich the overall experience.
- Play in either portrait or landscape mode.
So, you can keep yourself entertained when there are no toys at hand with this new iPhone application iSpy "The Game" Lite.
In Future if you want to develope any kind of iPhone Apps Programming software than A-1 Technology is the right choice for you.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Where Google Chrome fits in to the current landscape?
Google Chrome Application is the fastest browser available with a simple and easy to use interface. Google have a suite of Chromium Applications, Chromium Programs and Chromium Indentures (API's), most notably Google Maps, Android, Google Earth, and Gears, in addition of course to their search services.
Here are the pros and cons of Google Chromium Programming:-
Chrome - The Good
* Chrome is super reliable. It does not use many resources as it is so streamlined. This means that when bad code is run, the program is less likely to bottom out.
* It is simple, clean and fast. By not having all the addons that Firefox can, Chrome is able to stay focused on the task of web browsing.
* What I have dubbed the 'Awesome Bar'. The address bar in the browser also doubles up as a Search Box for Google and also can predict what site you are looking for before you have finished typing the address, even if you have never been there before!
Chrome - The Bad
* Its Privacy is not amazing. The browser collects and sends data on you and your web habits to Google, even before you have hit enter.
* No Addons! As I mentioned earlier, the cost of fast browsing is no extra functionality or customisation.
Chromium Programmers:-
One of the cool time-saving features in Chromium is the custom search engines as google has not officially ported the browser to any mobile devices. Chromium Programming combines a blend of minimal design and technology with edge to make your mobile surfing experience faster, much safer and easy. Opens up hugh opportunity for you to start looking for porting your existing games application and videos from one platform to other mobile platform.
We are already on the ride, to gets our hands on, we have already started working on creating addon’s for different mobile platforms such as iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Window Mobile, ipad, eBooks and so on.
Lets talk, if you are interested in out-souring your project for any Mobile application development or any web application of Chrome or hiring Chrome programmer from A-1 Technology.