Anyway, on to other things. The first revelations include that iPhone's new milestone; it has sold 30 million units in its two years of availability. It's dedicated App Store has 75,000 applications available for the device and has so far served a whopping 1.8 billion downloads. If updates were to be counted too, it would be "a few times higher," according to Phil Schiller.
The iPhone 3.1 OS is also ready, and includes among its features, a port of "Genius", which will now be used to recommend what application you might like. It will be available as a free download from today. The recent rumor about record labels offering pre-made ringtones is also true; over 30,000 pre-made ringtones will be available for $1.29 each.
As for iTunes, the store is now available in 23 countries and boasts more than 100 million accounts with credit card details. It has sold 8.5 billion songs since it was launched.