At the time of this post, there were 10,072 to be exact; 64% of the apps are Free while 36% are Paid apps. According to that,the best resources for Android App Reviews, only reviewed about 2% of the Android Market apps… but I always say it’s about Quality and NOT Quantity. We’ve seen some really good and really crappy apps… even those that tried to pull the get-rich-on-an-idiot scheme by uploading $200 apps.
Recent outcry or better yet outrage on poor sales in the Android Market can make developers weary of the OS. Not to mention the numerous things wrong with the current state of the Android Market itself; but with a little time, Market corrections, more cellular carriers, improved SDK… Android can soon surpass other platforms as demonstrated in recent mobile operating system growth statistics.
Though nowhere near Apple’s one billionth iPhone app download by a teenager a few months ago… The Android Market shows strong potential as a mobile operating system and 3rd party software eco-system.
Source for story:http://www.androidtapp.com/android-market-now-more-than-10000-android-apps/
Image source:androlib.com