Flickr has released the long awaited feature for posting photos to Twitter. The built-in feature lets members tweet their photos. And also explains how to post photos from your phone, and how to tweet from Flickr. Users can also upload directly to Flickr and Twitter simultaneously, or tweet a photo already on Flickr, using a special short Flickr Url.
It is different from other photo tweeting services like TwitPic which lets you sign-in using your Twitter account. To use Flickr2Twitter, you first need to sign-in to Flickr, and then authorize the service to post to your Twitter account, which can be done from your settings page. Flickr2Twitter creates a shortened URL for your photos and post these as Tweet to your Twitter account.
To use this feature, you just need to authorize Flickr to access their Twitter account once. After you’ve allowed Flickr to use your Twitter credential, a new option in Twitter’s “Blog This” option will now include your Twitter account.Flickr would also give you the chance to compose the 140 character Tweet then append the URL of your photo.
Such an interesting combination, Flickr2Twitter, will surely benefit both Twitter and Flickr, but more so for Flickr, as Twitter’s popularity will bounce back to Yahoo’s photo uploading service. And moreover, this in a way adds a new lease of life to Flickr.