Monday, April 20, 2009

Amazon Kindle 2

When the Kindle came out a year ago, it was well received but was also criticized for not being good enough. The Kindle 2 released by Amazon a little while back appears to have fixed that.

- The Kindle have revolutionized reading and this Wall Street Journal article explains how

- Here is the definitive verdict on the Kindle from NYTIMES David Pogue

Is there anything which could pose a threat to the Kindle. Why the Iphone of course. And the Kindle App on the iPhone specifically. The NYTIMES Bits Blog disects the App.

And the computerworld reports that book sales on the Apple iPhone App seems to be skyrocketing
. Either way, Jeff Bezos comes out a winner.

And the future of newspaper - This businessweek article suggest that it would be cheaper for NYTIMES to give each subscriber a kindle and access the NYTIMES than to deliver a physiscal paper.