Friday, March 14, 2008

Software Development Outsourcing

Source : Click

Delivery of projects on time and within budgets is the essential requirement for project management. By outsourcing a development segment to a outsourcing partner, customers gain flexibility, this reduces the development costs, decreases time to market and of course provides wide range of choice for products. Software development outsourcing may be for delivery of partial and full life cycle projects.

By outsourcing development segments to India and neighboring countries like China, Russia, etc. big companies can concentrate on the core in-house activities. Indian companies provide software development outsourcing services, (software development life cycle)SDLC includes:

Requirements analysis: India as a outsourcing centre during this phase, team of professionals sit together gather basic information, for the target products customer requirement gathered, conduct market and technology research; finally at the end of this phase optimal solution is derived to meet product requirement for relaibility and product performance. Indian IT consultants will help draw a productive product function.

Architecture Design: To achieve product performance goal to pitch the market, product design is most crucial factor and roadmap to success for commercial market. Product design should be interactive and should be user friendly.

Project Planing, Risk Assessment: Project management, a comprehensive project management scheme, all risk involved in project management; this will help to complete project within the time constraints and within the specified budget.

Development: Our project developers are highly skilled and are aware of all the latest tools and technologies that will help them move ahead at faster pace.

Quality Assurance (QA) and Testing: To ensure that your product is flawless, Rigid Testing is carried out. It is carried to check that the product works without hindrance in different environment. Performance testing includes scalability and capacity testing under a particular environment. Usability testing includes responsiveness.

Maintenance and Technical Support: After product market deployment, technical support is available all time to assist you. This helps to server customers located at different locations and across different time zone.

Product Enhancement and Service Release Management: Upgradation, enhancement is continuous on-going process based on real world figures, feedback and comments collected from its users. Product enhancement, fixing problems if any arises, migration, adding new functionalities; release of new version needs product re-engineering.

major areas of software development outsourcing are mobile applications, web-enabled solutions, web development, web promotion, offshore product development, Microsoft .Net development, ERP Implementation India, SAP software solutions, Microsoft Dynamics NAV solutions India, outsourcing PHP India, Joomla development India, Drupal solutions India, sugarCRM development India.