CBS is bringing television to Apple's iPhone and iPod touch with a new, free application available in the iTunes store.
The iTunes app brings a limited number of television shows to the iPhone, including "The Late Show with David Letterman" and "Star Trek." App users also will have access to CW shows and six programs from Showtime.
Users can browse through the content that is currently available and keep their eyes open for more content as CBS continues to fill its library.
Customization is possible with keywords creating a personalized feed of content that is delivered directly to the smartphone via the application.
As smartphones and mobile devices continue to mature, pushing television shows to them seems like a natural move for content producers., devices like the Slingbox and Netflix's oft-discussed move to a streaming video model show that customers are more interested in viewing content at their leisure and on a device of choice.
With the iPhone's Wi-Fi and 3G capabilities bringing television to the device, the question of whose screen is big enough not to make viewing a strain is a no-brainer.