Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cloud Based Development is the Future of Application Development.

Organizations have often faced lot of hassles while developing and testing web applications. It has been seen time and again that traditional roadblocks like cost, lack of process, scalability and methodology often hinder the successful deployment of an application. Often done at a project level, these actions remain underutilized and under-resourced. There is a huge demand for substantial infrastructure and flexible management of resources to undertake a large scale project.
There are various variables that account for unpredictable operations, gradual building of capacity and optimal utilization. Although it is a crucial IT function and many administrators understand the inability to provide the scale and flexibility for development and testing teams, it often delays the application development life cycle and hampers the delivery of an application.
In order to overcome all these hurdles, a cloud based developmental model can be undertaken to match the highly dynamic and resource intensive needs of the application development and testing. The pace of technology is moving at a rapid pace and developmental teams need to be flexible and agile in order to incorporate new ideas and functions in deploying an application.
Cloud-based development offers immediate deployment of application without upfront infrastructure cost which can be up-scaled or downsized as per requirement. Mobile application development can be taken to a whole new level while incorporating with cloud computing. It changes the whole scenario and the way an application is developed, tested and deployed.
One of the biggest advantages of undertaking cloud-based resources is that it enhances the competitive edge over the competition of maintaining their own data center without any additional cost input. It also provides testing teams with a self service model from a pool of shared but secure infrastructure resources. By making configurable templates, they can run them in parallel with the development team and customize it as per a particular project.
It is an hybrid solution which gives enhanced ID and access control to safeguard data. By automating approval work-flows and encapsulating infrastructure management it reduces the cost as well as time taken to develop an application.
However for any enterprise or business to undertake cloud computing development, there are some consideration that ought to be kept in mind. Control and Security, Overall performance, Real time monitoring of development, Operational management should be foreseen in order to ensure that there are no hindrances. In this competitive environment, success only embraces those who are able to incorporate new technology to have an edge over the others.