Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Java is a modern object oriented programming language

The Java language was designed from scratch. Its architects didn't need to worry about compatibility with previous languages and so were able to give Java a clean and consistent syntax. This makes the language comparatively easy to learn and enjoyable to program in. It also helps in writing reliable applications. If you're a professional programmer or software engineer, or considering becoming one, then being competent in Java will certainly do your career and bank balance no harm. Java is used in business, education, engineering and the sciences, actually its used pretty well everywhere computers are used.

Java was designed to be portable:- Most Java programs will run with little or no modification on many different operating systems and or hardware platforms.

Java is a network-centric language:- Java was designed to work well in networked environments, its API and security model make network programming safe and reliable.

Java is secure:- Java is secure, it allows code from the net to be run in an isolated environment, protecting the host system from viruses etc. In addition the Java API provides routines for dealing with digital certificates and other cryptographic techniques.

Java is a classic language:- Java can reasonably be called a classic language. More recent arrivals, such as C#, owe a lot to Java. This trend will probably continue. This means time spent learning Java will benefit you even after it becomes obsolete since its replacements will likely emulate much of its syntax and programming style.


Java Programming comes complete with a large well organised Application Programmers Interface (API). This allows the programmer to concentrate the specifics of a project without having to write more general code or to monkey about with third party libraries.