Quality assurance verifies that any customer offering, regardless if it is new or evolved, is produced and offered with the best possible materials. "Quality Assurance Web Development" is the process of verifying or determining whether products or services meet or exceed customer expectations. Quality assurance is a process-driven approach with specific steps to help define and attain goals. This process considers design, development, production, and service.
It evolves PDCA cycle ,consists of four steps: Plan, Do,Check, and Act. These steps are commonly abbreviated as PDCA.
The four quality assurance steps within the PDCA model stand for:
1.Plan: Establish objectives and processes required to deliver the desired results
2..Do: Implement the process developed
3.Check: Monitor and evaluate the implemented process by testing the results against the predetermined objectives
4.Act: Apply actions necessary for improvement if the results require changes.
PDCA is an effective method for monitoring quality assurance because it analyzes existing conditions and methods used to provide the product or service customers. The goal is to ensure that excellence is inherent in every component of the process. Quality assurance also helps determine whether the steps used to provide the product or service are appropriate for the time and conditions.
Contact us for Offshore Software Development
A-1Technology is an Offshore Software Outsourcing, Offshore Software Development Outsourcing Company in New York NY, A1technology create customized Software and web applications such as online retail webstore,application development outsourcing, B2B Ecommerce, Portal sites, Online Marketing, e-Finance and e-Business etc.