Twitter managed to make a lot of developers uneasy last week when they acquired Tweetie and made it their official Twitter app for iPhone. Then there was the launch of the RIM Twitter app for BlackBerry that sounded official until Twitter stepped in to correct that impression. Now it looks like Twitter will also have an official Android app.
The news follows an announcement made at the company’s Chirp conference in this regard. Though it is clear that the company will indeed be launching their own Android app, its uncertain whether Twitter will acquire an existing third party app or partner with a developer
or mobile phone manufacturer, as reported by TechCrunch. The company has done both in the past. We’re referring to the Tweetie acquisition and partnership with RIM here.
A lot of concern has been raised about Twitter attaching the ‘official’ label to their app since this means added competition to third party clients, while some view it as a way for Twitter to have better control over the brand.
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