Monday, September 27, 2010


A place for everything, and everything in its place is the key to success with short and long tail keywords when you are leveraging social media for your online ecommerce endeavor.
As you probably already know, SEO is quite important in your social media marketing campaigns, and understanding short and long tail keywords is also important!
Which works the best for social media marketing? Short tail? Or Long tail?Actually, the basic truth is that there is value in both.It seems that short tail keywords are useful for creating interest and driving traffic. Long tail keywords, on the other hand, come into their own when you’re talking conversion.
So, there is a place for each, and perhaps having a better understanding of when and where to use each type of keyword is key to using them wisely and to the best purpose.
Here are some pointers for building a great keyword strategy that you can quickly and easily work into your overall marketing campaigns, including social media marketing:
Facebook: A lot of ecommerce entrepreneurs are getting good results with short tail keywords in the little sidebar ads. The secret to making this work for you is to drill down and target a highly specific demographic. Long tail keywords work better outside advertising through fan pages, event pages, groups and more. Bear in mind that everything on Facebook is search engine indexed, and you can better understand the importance and benefit of long tail keywords in content.
Twitter: First and foremost, when thinking about using either type of keyword for Twitter, you have to remember that everything is in real-time. So your best bet here is short tail keywords! Also remember that hash tags are keywords, as well.
YouTube: If you are using YouTube as one of your social media marketing platforms, which is definitely a good idea, keep in mind that Google actually owns YouTube and accesses it constantly, thousands of times a day. So, be sure to optimize your YouTube content that accompanies your video with long tail keywords.
Stay on Top of Metrics: There are a variety of free services and tools available on the World Wide Web that will help measure your social media marketing effectiveness and results, as well as showing you which areas you need to improve upon. It is a good idea to avail yourself of more than one of these services and analyze the effectiveness of your short and long tail keywords on a specific platform to see which ones are doing the most for you.
For any information regarding SEO do contact us as we are always there to guide you.

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